The upcoming enforcement campaign by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is approaching quickly, set to begin in less than a month.

Operation Safe Driver Week is scheduled for July 7-13, 2024, and will be conducted across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

Throughout this week, law enforcement agencies will be on the lookout for commercial and passenger vehicle drivers displaying unsafe driving behaviors, such as speeding, distracted driving, tailgating, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Those caught violating these laws will be stopped and either warned or fined.

“Operation Safe Driver Week aims to improve the safety of our roadways through proactive driver safety outreach and education, and by addressing unsafe driving behaviors through responsive traffic enforcement when drivers are identified engaging in dangerous driving behaviors on our roadways,” the CVSA said.

The main emphasis of Operation Safe Driver Week 2024 will be on reckless, careless, or dangerous driving. This is defined as “operating a vehicle without due care and attention or reasonable consideration for other motorists or people on the road.”

In the previous year’s Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement conducted 11,448 traffic stops involving commercial vehicles. This resulted in 4,592 warnings and 2,634 tickets or citations being issued to commercial motor vehicle drivers.

Once Operation Safe Driver Week concludes, truck drivers will face one more CVSA enforcement event in 2024.

Brake Safety Week is set for August 25-31, 2024. During this week, commercial motor vehicle inspectors will carry out brake system inspections, primarily Level IV Inspections, on large trucks and buses across North America to detect any brake system violations.