The GiraffeG4 Sentinel System introduces an application designed by experienced tractor-trailer driver Frank Nugent, aiming to enhance safety for commercial truck drivers. This app issues an audible warning and displays a “Do Not Enter” sign on the screen 100 yards before the entrance to a commercial vehicle-restricted parkway.

The Northeast corridor, encompassing New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, often witnesses collisions with “Low Clearance” overpasses on parkways, leading to substantial damages and potential fines for drivers and their companies. Inexperienced or out-of-town truck drivers relying on conventional navigation apps may inadvertently be directed onto these restricted parkways.

The GiraffeG4 Sentinel System distinguishes itself by not functioning as a typical navigation tool. Instead, it operates beneath the designated route, remaining unobtrusive until the parkway entrance is imminent. At that point, an alarm activates, accompanied by a “Do Not Enter” sign on the screen. Importantly, this system integrates seamlessly with fleet telematics systems, ensuring compatibility and no disruption to existing functionalities. The primary goal is to provide a safety alert without causing distractions during critical moments.

The GiraffeG4 Sentinel Tracking App goes a step further by meticulously pre-measuring and GPS locating potential “Low Clearance” hazards in key areas such as NYC, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Connecticut. This additional feature enhances the app’s capability to provide precise warnings to commercial truck drivers, ensuring they are alerted well in advance of encountering low clearance obstacles in these specific locations. By incorporating accurate measurements and GPS data, the GiraffeG4 Sentinel System aims to proactively prevent collisions and mitigate potential damages in areas known for “Low Clearance” challenges.