In the past week, there was a significant enforcement effort in Savannah, Georgia, targeting Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) that led to 76 vehicles and drivers being sidelined due to various rule violations. The Georgia Department of Public Safety, specifically the Motor Carrier Compliance Division (MCCD), organized this operation with the primary objective of identifying and addressing safety issues related to CMVs and their operators.

The operation, concentrated on I-16, I-95, and the vicinity of the Port of Savannah, involved MCCD officers conducting 328 inspections. Out of these, 50 vehicles and 24 drivers were specifically issued out-of-service orders for critical violations discovered during the inspections.

The top driver-related violations observed during the detail were as follows:

  • Cell Phone Usage: 12
  • Improper Lane Usage: 32
  • Following Too Closely: 9
  • Speeding: 8
  • DUI: 1
  • Seat Belt: 35

The top vehicle-related violations spotted during the detail are listed below:

  • Brake-related issues: 12
  • Load Securement: 13
  • Tire-related violations: 5

“This comprehensive enforcement effort underscores our commitment to enhancing road safety and ensuring the compliance of Commercial Motor Vehicles with established regulations,” Georgia DPS said.