If your travels lead you through the states of Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, or Kentucky, it’s advisable to enhance your defensive driving skills. These states are known for having a higher concentration of reckless drivers on their roads, making it crucial to exercise caution and remain vigilant while behind the wheel.

According to a recent study conducted by Forbes magazine, several states in the U.S. have earned a reputation for having some of the worst drivers. The study evaluated these states based on six different measures, with a significant focus on highway fatalities. By considering various factors, Forbes magazine compiled rankings that shed light on the states with the highest incidents of accidents and dangerous driving practices.

The top 10 states for having the worst drivers include:

  1. Texas (which scored 100% on the Forbes rating scale)
  2. Louisiana
  3. Kansas
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Kentucky
  6. New Mexico
  7. Wyoming
  8. Arizona
  9. Montana
  10. South Carolina

Forbes magazine’s rankings reveal the states with the best drivers in the U.S. According to their study, Vermont, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Ohio, California, and Washington emerged as the top states with the most skilled and responsible drivers. These states demonstrated a strong commitment to road safety and exhibited lower rates of accidents and reckless driving incidents, making them stand out as examples of good driving practices.

Forbes’ ranking was based on: 

  • Number of drunk drivers (BAC of 0.08+) involved in fatal car accidents per 100,000 licensed drivers
  •  Number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver per 100,000 licensed drivers
  • Number of fatal car accidents involving a drowsy driver per 100,000 licensed drivers
  • Number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who was driving the wrong way on a one-way street or on the wrong side of the road per 100,000 licensed drivers
  • Number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who failed to obey traffic signs, traffic signals or a traffic officer per 100,000 licensed drivers
  • Number of drivers who looked at a phone per mile

Forbes had its say, now have yours. Use the comments section below to tell us where you’ve encountered the worst drivers.