Recently, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) collaborated on an enforcement campaign with a specific focus on addressing unsafe driving practices within construction zones. They launched a comprehensive traffic campaign known as “Operation Yellow Jacket” in the northeastern region of Pennsylvania.

During this five-week-long operation, PSP troopers closely monitored traffic conditions from PennDOT trucks stationed within work zones. Whenever they observed a violation, a marked PSP unit would be dispatched to initiate a traffic stop.

The results of Operation Yellow Jacket were significant, with a total of 136 traffic stops conducted. These stops led to the issuance of 133 citations and 46 warnings to drivers who were found to be in violation of traffic laws within construction zones.

The collaboration between PennDOT and PSP in Operation Yellow Jacket demonstrates their commitment to improving safety in construction zones by actively enforcing traffic regulations and holding drivers accountable for their actions. This campaign serves as a strong deterrent to unsafe driving practices and emphasizes the importance of adhering to traffic laws in order to protect both workers and motorists in construction zones.

“Operation Yellow Jacket has been conducted for the last five weeks in Lackawanna, Wayne, Pike, and Susquehanna Countries,” said PSP Troop R Dunmore Patrol Section Commander Lt. Michael Joyce. “Operation Yellow Jacket is a joint initiative between PennDOT and PSP to increase safety within work zones for construction workers and the motoring public. The operations have been run within active PennDOT staffed construction zones on interstates 81, 380, and 84 along with other local state highways. The initiative focuses on speeding, tailgating, and distracted driving behaviors of motorists.” 

“PennDOT appreciates the partnership with the PSP executing Operation Yellow Jacket,” said PennDOT Assistant District 4 Executive for Maintenance Jonathan Eboli. “The presence of troopers in our work zones sets an expectation that all motorists must follow the speed limit and all applicable laws.”