A prominent trucking trade organization has expressed its deep concerns regarding recent reports that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may grant waivers to California, allowing them to implement more stringent emissions regulations for heavy-duty trucks. The organization believes that this could have serious implications for the industry and is closely monitoring the situation.

According to a report published by The Washington Post on March 20th, the Biden administration is poised to approve new regulations in California aimed at reducing tailpipe emissions and ultimately discontinuing the sale of heavy-duty diesel trucks.

“Our industry hopes these reports aren’t true,” said Chris Spear, president and CEO of the American Trucking Association in a statement. “We have worked tirelessly with EPA on aggressive, achievable timelines for emissions reductions over decades. In fact, a truck in 1988 emitted as much as 60 trucks today – a more than 98% reduction – and we’re committed to the path to zero. 

“If the reports are in fact accurate, let us remind you that this isn’t the United States of California. As we learned in the pandemic, the supply chain can be a fragile thing – and its integrity must be preserved at the national level. This decision has little to do with improving the environment, and everything to do with placating the far left of the environmental lobby without regard for the hard-working men and women of our industry or our country who will be left to implement California’s vision for America. 

“The state and federal regulators collaborating on this unrealistic patchwork of regulations have no grasp on the real costs of designing, building, manufacturing and operating the trucks that deliver their groceries, clothes, and goods, but they will certainly feel the pain when these fanciful projections lead to catastrophic disruptions well beyond California’s borders.”

Towards the end of last year, the EPA revised its emissions standards for heavy-duty commercial vehicles set to take effect in the 2027 model year. As part of the new regulations, the tailpipe NOx limits will be significantly tightened, reaching a level more than 80% below the current standard, while the particulate matter limit will be lowered by 50%. Additionally, manufacturers will be required to offer extended warranties for up to 450,000 miles, up from the current 100,000 miles, and useful life limits will increase to 650,000 miles from the current 435,000 miles.

A resolution led by Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska has garnered the support of 34 senators, which seeks to use the Congressional Review Act to overturn the EPA’s regulations that were finalized in December. The Act enables the executive branch’s rules to be reversed through a straightforward majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.