The most cost-effective way to start cooking in a truck is to accumulate fuel points at travel centers and purchase a 12-volt device, such as the RoadPro 12-volt Lunchbox Stove. This stove has a 300 degree surface temperature and can be used to prepare various dishes.

A 12-volt thermo-electric cooler is another useful device for a truck that can be used as a refrigerator. However, it only cools to about 40 degrees below the surrounding temperature, so it may not be as effective in keeping things cold as a compressor-based fridge, especially if the cab is warm.

RoadPro also offers a 12-volt frying pan and a 12-volt soup pot for cooking in trucks. Other household appliances can also be used. The choice of 12-volt appliance can depend on the size of the inverter installed in the truck, so it’s important to check the capacity of the inverter and what it can power.

Truck drivers who cook have various methods for washing dishes. Some prefer to wait and clean their dishes in the shower, while others heat water in a waterproof container. Others use a mix of vinegar and water to clean their dishes after removing any leftover food. To minimize the amount of dirty dishes, some drivers use disposable plastic utensils, paper plates, and bowls. Ultimately, the method chosen is a personal preference.

Restocking your pantry while on the road is easy with grocery delivery or scheduled supermarket pickups. If you have time to visit a supermarket, call ahead to make sure there is parking for your truck. After shopping, store your groceries in your truck. Repackaging items into vacuum-sealed or Ziplock bags and cutting vegetables to desired sizes can help save space and time.

Lasagna is a simple dish that can be made in a lunchbox stove. You’ll need lasagna sheets, small pasta sauce, ricotta cheese, Italian seasoning, mozzarella cheese, and precooked ground beef. Using a disposable aluminum pan can help avoid a messy stove.

Directions for Lasagna:

1. Line the 12-Volt device

2. Add a little sauce on the bottom and layer pasta, meat, and cheese.

3. Close the lid and plug in the 12-Volt appliance.

4. When you smell the lasagna, the food will be done.

5. Unplug the 12-Volt appliance and let sit until you are ready to eat.