The Michigan State Police (MSP) Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED) has launched a new safety program that sends electronic alerts directly to truck drivers via their existing Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs).

On August 28, 2024, officials revealed that MSP motor carrier officers now have the capability to send brief, geo-targeted messages to ELD devices to inform commercial vehicle drivers of potential roadway dangers or ongoing enforcement actions.

These messages will be displayed prominently on a bright yellow background on the driver’s dashboard-mounted ELD screen.

This ELD messaging system is already being used in several other states.

As part of this safety initiative, MSP plans to increase patrols to target behaviors that often lead to commercial vehicle accidents. Officers will focus on violations such as speeding, tailgating, unsafe lane changes, reckless driving, and using handheld devices while driving.

“Safer commercial drivers lead to safer roads for everyone,” said Motor Carrier Inspector Patrick Morris of MSP/CVED. “Along with continued education and enforcement, direct digital messaging to commercial drivers is another tool our motor carrier officers are using to enhance traffic safety and reduce accidents and injuries on Michigan’s roads.”

Morris also mentioned that in the future, they intend to use this messaging tool ahead of heavy driving holidays or when specific driving hazards arise.