New York legislators are contemplating a new law aimed at addressing persistent speeders. This proposed legislation suggests the implementation of speed-limiting technology as a measure to tackle this issue.

The bill, presented by Assembly Member Emily Gallagher and State Senator Andrew Gounardes, aims to take action against drivers with a history of repeated speeding offenses. According to the bill, these drivers would be obligated to have speed limiting devices installed in their vehicles. These devices would effectively restrict the vehicles from surpassing the designated speed limit by a margin of 5 miles per hour.

The proposed law mandates the usage of speed limiters for individuals who accumulate six or more instances of speeding or red-light camera violations within a single year, as reported by CBS News.

According to the law, the speed limiter must be retained on the vehicle for a minimum duration of 12 months.

Advocates of the bill hold the expectation that its implementation will enhance overall road safety and contribute to a decrease in traffic-related fatalities.