A fascinating new video showcases how PepsiCo incorporates their all-electric Tesla Semis alongside diesel trucks in their daily operations at their facility in Sacramento, California. The video delves into the ways the beverage company optimizes the usage of their 21 Tesla Semis.

The majority of these Tesla Semis are active for approximately 12 hours each day, mainly engaged in local or regional deliveries in Northern California. However, three of these remarkable trucks are designated for “long haul” runs, spanning distances of 250 to 400 miles.

Moreover, the video sheds light on PepsiCo’s clever two-shift slip seat driver system, which ensures that the vehicles are efficiently charged while adhering to federal Hours of Service driver regulations.

In addition to operational insights, the video features the firsthand accounts of Tesla Semi drivers, who share their experiences of driving these cutting-edge trucks. They mention attracting considerable attention and inquiries from the public due to the novelty of these electric vehicles. The drivers also express their satisfaction with the enhanced visibility and comfort they experience while piloting the Tesla trucks.

Check out the video below: