On Tuesday, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) made an announcement stating that four Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) have been placed on the agency’s “Revoked” list. This implies that truckers who are found to be still using these devices could soon face citations.

The FMCSA has removed the following four ELDs from the list of approved devices:


The FMCSA has found that the Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) did not meet the minimum federal requirements.

Carriers using any of these four ELDs are asked to take the following steps:

  1. Discontinue using the revoked ELDs and revert to paper logs or logging software to record required hours of service data.
  2. Replace the revoked ELDs with compliant ELDs from the Registered Devices list before September 23, 2023.

The FMCSA is providing carriers with a 60-day period to replace non-compliant Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs). After September 23, 2023, any motor carriers still using the revoked ELD devices mentioned earlier will be deemed to be operating without an ELD. Safety officials have been directed by the FMCSA to take drivers using such revoked devices out of service if they come across them on or after September 23, 2023.

“FMCSA strongly encourages motor carriers to take the actions listed above now to avoid compliance issues in the event that the deficiencies are not addressed in time,” the agency said.