Law enforcement agencies from eleven states will join forces for a concerted initiative aimed at curbing speeding on the roads. This action will take place on Wednesday, July 26, and is referred to as the Speed Awareness campaign. Throughout this designated day, state and local police officers will actively patrol the highways, targeting speed violations committed by drivers of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, and motorcyclists.

The states participating in this joint effort to crack down on speeding are as follows:

  • Iowa
  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
  • Michigan
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Ohio
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • Arkansas

“We are asking drivers to please slow down,” said Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau Chief Brett Tjepkes. “Our goal is to save lives, and we’re putting all drivers on alert — the posted speed limit is the law. No excuses. On July 26 drivers will notice extra law enforcement on Iowa’s roads. If drivers choose to exceed the posted limit, they can expect a citation.”

These eleven states will collaborate and coordinate their law enforcement agencies on Wednesday, July 26, for the Speed Awareness campaign to promote safer driving and reduce speed-related incidents on the roads.