The Biden administration has given its approval for California to implement a new rule requiring that 50% of all heavy trucks sold within the state by 2035 must be fully electric. With this decision, California becomes the first government in the world to mandate zero-emission trucks. As the new rule goes beyond Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements, California needed White House approval to move forward.

“Last year, California became one of the first jurisdictions in the world with a real plan to end tailpipe emissions for cars. Now, thanks to the Biden administration, we’re getting more zero-emission heavy duty trucks on the roads, expanding our world-leading efforts to cut air pollution and protect public health,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom. “We’re leading the charge to get dirty trucks and buses – the most polluting vehicles – off our streets, and other states and countries are lining up to follow our lead around the world.”

American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear said by allowing California to overstep federal regulations, “the EPA is handing over the keys as a national regulator. This isn’t the United States of California, and in order to mollify a never satisfied fringe environmental lobby by allowing the state to proceed with these technologically infeasible rules on unworkable and unrealistic timelines, the EPA is sowing the ground for a future supply chain crisis.“

Spear noted that in the last 35 years, industry and regulatory collaboration has produced a 98% reduction in truck emissions, adding “we continue to be committed to the path to zero, and we hope EPA will, as it becomes clear that California’s rhetoric is not being matched by technology, reverse course and create a single, achievable national standard… We have, and will continue to work tirelessly with the EPA on aggressive, achievable timelines for reducing emissions. Over the past 35 years, that collaboration,” Spear said. 

California is introducing a new requirement that will mandate truck manufacturers to speed up the sales of zero-emission vehicles within the state. The new regulations will establish gradually increasing manufacturing standards for zero-emission vehicles from 2024 through to 2035. States such as Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont are expected to follow suit. Collectively, California and these states account for approximately 22% of the national truck market.

On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted California two Clean Air Act waivers for its heavy-duty truck regulations, including the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule. The ACT rule stipulates that by 2045, 100% of heavy-duty vehicles in California should be zero-emission where feasible. The rule mandates that truck manufacturers increase new truck sales to 55% for Class 2b-3, 75% for Class 4-8, and 40% of semi-tractor sales should be zero-emissions by 2035.

In 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved a regulation that mandates all new car sales in California must be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2035, making it one of the first such regulations in the world. While nearly 19% of cars sold in the state last year were ZEVs, only a small fraction of heavy trucks sold last year – fewer than 2% – were electric.

“This is another example of California approving onerous regulations that increase operating costs for truckers within the state. Whether its CARB emissions requirements or misguided legislation like AB 5, it’s no surprise we’re seeing small-business truckers and independent contractors looking for opportunities elsewhere,” said Todd Spencer, President of Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA). “Vehicle reliability and affordability are top priorities for OOIDA members. We have yet to see proof that electric CMVs are a realistic option for most trucking businesses considering the price tag and lack of charging infrastructure. The bottom line is that the technology they’re trying to mandate does not yet exist.”

On Friday, President Jed Mandel of the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) expressed support for the nationwide implementation of more stringent emission standards and the transition of the commercial trucking industry to zero-emission technologies. However, he also expressed concerns that limiting the lead time for manufacturers to produce compliant vehicles would present significant challenges.

While recognizing CARB’s right to regulate air quality, Mandel added that “adequate leadtime, regulatory stability and the necessary zero-emission recharging and refueling infrastructure are imperative for manufacturers to develop, build, and sell the customer-acceptable, effective products capable of meeting CARB’s zero-emission vehicle sales mandates. We are committed to continuing our work with EPA, CARB, and other stakeholders to develop workable regulations that will achieve a zero-emission future.” 

Navistar has announced that it will continue to invest in technologies that will drive towards a zero-emission future, including the development of compliant products for both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The company also stated its commitment to working with both organizations to deliver real-world emissions reductions. Navistar plans to offer both low-emission conventional and electrified powertrain options to meet various application needs and customer demand.