Hello truckers! It’s the most beautiful…Yeah, you already know what this is about, we don’t have to say it. We hope you’ve had a good year and a blast these past couple of days. Obviously you don’t want to be sad and lonely this Christmas, or any Christmas really. But being a truck driver poses real difficulties, since you’re constantly away from home and your family.
But, we’re here to help!

Here are some simple tips to make this Christmas warmer and happier than it actually is:

1.Play some Christmas music

There’s no better way to to get into the holiday spirit than to play your favorite Christmas songs. Hell! We’re listening to Christmas music just as we are writing this. Why? Christmas music has that special once in a year feel that it gives. Christmas music talks mostly about love and it’s for a reason. We all want to be loved, no matter what we tell ourselves. We especially want to be loved during Christmas. Because, that’s when family gets together and shows appreciation to each other. So, next time you’re driving your truck, put on some Christmas music. And don’t just listen, engage with the music. Think about your wife, husband, family, friends. Remember the good times you had with them, remember how much you miss them. Trust us, it will make you feel right at home!

2.Call dear friends and family

Hey, if you can’t remember good times with family and friends through music, how about calling them instead and letting them remind you. Now, think about it. Try to remind yourself. Who are your true best friends and beloved family members? You don’t have to call all of them, just pick one. But, wait. What do you even talk to them about? You can never go wrong with just showing your appreciation for their existence. Tell them how much you love them. Tell them how many good memories you have with them. Are you feeling lonely in your truck? Don’t be afraid to tell them that. Hell! Cry if you have to. Honesty and openness is always the best medicine. Sharing your feelings with your dear friend or family member will always warm your heart up and make you feel more at home instantly.

3. Bring your family member with you on the road

Can’t feel at home whatever you do? Bring a family member with you! Nothing can stop you, not even work, from spending time with your dearest wife or husband. Now you have someone to share your enthusiastic Christmas spirit with. Put on some Christmas music, sing along. Pop open those mashed potatoes you made home and dig in together. Talk about the good times, express your love for each other, and form a bond that is only possible during the holiday seasons!

4. Appreciate the beauty of winter

What are we even talking about? Winter is cold, unforgiving and unbearable. Well, that’s not always the case. What we like to do is just go outside, sit on a bench and just enjoy the beauty of winter. Why? There’s just something calming about the 4 feet of snow outside. Something beautiful about the large snowflakes falling on the ground. The silence of winter, the disappearance of life. Basically, there’s just this overall beauty of deadness that winter brings. So next time you’re at your local truck stop, grab some hot chocolate, find a bench outside, clean the snow off of it and sit down and relax. Take a deep breath, exhale, take a sip of your hot chocolate and just enjoy the peace. Come back here, or hit us up on social media and tell us how you felt. Enjoy!

5. Think about your year

This year has been crazy. Covid-19 has ruined everyone’s year. But that doesn’t mean you specifically haven’t had a good year. Look back at it. What are some moments you will cherish for a long time? What would you like to change? Reflecting on your year will help remind you how far you’ve come and just being alone won’t feel as bad anymore. Let us all reflect and let’s make 2021 even better than this one!

6. Think about the perfect gifts for your loved ones

Hey let’s not zone out while driving for one second. Let’s think for a moment what would be the perfect gifts for your loved ones? Your wife’s been talking about those shoes that she absolutely loves? Your kid wants that new video game really badly? Or maybe your pet wants a new toy to play with? If we can’t be happy being alone on the road, how about we make our loved ones happy. Give back and you will be loved!

7. Decorate your truck

A bit obvious but nevertheless important. Hell, fit in a christmas tree if you have space. You could even put Christmas gifts under the tree if you are in dire need of a Christmas feel. Here’s something creative. The next time you see your fellow truck drivers, invite them into your truck and put down a Christmas gift for them under the Christmas tree. It’s a little odd, we know, but your fellow truckers will appreciate it!

We hope we made this holiday season just a little bit better for you with this post. Did you laugh? Did you get into the Christmas spirit? Are you feeling a bit more enthusiastic?
Let us know!
Have an amazing holiday season truckers, we wish you the best!